5.5 Seasons2

The farmers or any agriculture-related organization have different crops based on seasons. The seasons and crops will change according to the geographical area. Therefore, AeroGCS GREEN allows altering the seasons according to the geographical area.


Add Season:

Click on this symbol to add a new season. The GREEN-E opens another window in which the user can add a season by setting the duration from the calendar provided.

Add a new Season

Enter name of the season. Select the start and end date from the calendar available and then save the new season. Added season will be reflected on the dashboard as shown in the following image.

New Season Added

Click on three dots on the right-hand side of the season. The user will get two options to manipulate the season.

Manipulate the Seasons

Edit the Season:

Select the "Edit" option to edit the season. Change the name of the season, and the start, and end date of the selected season to update the duration of the season as shown in the following image.

Edit a Season Details

Delete a Season

Select the "Delete" option by clicking on three dots in front of the name of the season which is to be deleted. The GREEN-E will make sure that the user really wants to delete the selected season by popping the message on the screen as shown in the following image.

Confirmation Message before Deletion of Season

By selecting "Yes" button, the selected season will be deleted from the list of the season. Accordingly the graphical data under season on season will be modified.

After Deletion of Season

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